Jaden Smith - New face of Louis Vuitton's Womenswear campaign


When I first saw this I had to double take. It is probably the most unexpected thing to have Jaden Smith as the face of a womenswear campaign. Whilst he has been seen sporting skirts and dresses in his everyday wear, to have him as the face of a womenswear ad seems a bit odd, I must say. However, I'm not opposed to new and innovative ideas so I thought I would check the campaign out to see what it's all about.

I must say, it has been done in such a classy and professional way. Jade isn't dressed in overly feminine clothing as I would have expected, and how other brands would've gone about the campaign. He is wearing a skirt but paired with a leather jacket and a fringed top it almost seems quite normal and something that a boy could wear.

The campaign, shot by Bruce Weber, is set in what looks like a street or abandoned space with just a brick wall (*sigh*) background, making the whole look quite edgy which is what Louis Vuitton essentially is. So far the pictures have only been posted on Instagram but when they become more public I'm looking forward to seeing the reactions of everyone else. Jaden Smith has done the 'rap thing' and also the 'acting thing' so maybe the 'fashion thing' is his calling?

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